Grant Opportunities

The Southern Maryland Heritage Area Consortium (SMHAC) enhances economic activity through heritage tourism, product development, and small business development. To advance development, SMHAC awards seed grants of up to $5,000 to non-profit organizations and jurisdictions within the Certified Southern Maryland Heritage Area.

Additionally, the Maryland Heritage Area Authority grants are available to Calvert, Charles, and St. Mary’s counties through SMHAC. These grants award up to $50,000 for non-capital and $100,000 for capital organizations. On the state level, over $5 million dollars is available for heritage tourism grants within the 13 certified heritage areas in Maryland.

To learn more about these grants and how to apply, visit SMHAC’s website, Destination Southern Maryland.

Two men are planting trees and watering them

Southern Maryland Unveils Grant and Loan Program to Strengthen Local Meat Processing Industry

Southern Maryland Unveils Grant and Loan Program to Strengthen Local Meat Processing Industry The Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission (SMADC), a division of the Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland (TCCSMD) is pleased […]

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